I am sure you figured you by now that you can’t get rich using social media. You can certainly use social media to help you get rich, but social media isn’t the only factor.
In the previous post, “Way #4: HOW to Get Rich Using Social Media” I answered four very important HOW questions about brand messaging, content strategy, content generation and social media maintenance. I shared with you the very important second step in a Social Media Plan.
Today I am addressing the third step – IMPLEMENTATION!
It is easy to make a plan, but implementing the social media is easier said than done. You must first define these important parameters.
Why should I post?
Meet new potential customers – that is the short answer.
In today’s world businesses that are not using social media on some level are looked at as out-of-date. This isn’t the message you want to give to your future customers.
- You can reach people with social media that might not have learned about you otherwise.
- You can feature your product and services in a way that people will get and want to “Share” with their online network (friends).
- You can show your businesses personality with the different kinds of content you post.
How often should I post?
Minimum of two times daily five days a week. That is only 10 posts a week.
Right now, you are probably thinking – I don’t have 10 things to say on my business page and I don’t want to fill up people’s newsfeed and them decide to unlike my page. Just because someone has liked your page doesn’t mean that are going to see every time you post an update you.
Several factors affect this: (1) Are they on the social media site when you post (2) Even if they are online when you post they may be looking at something else.
What is the ratio of sale to give?
1 to 3 ratio. One sale oriented post for every third post.
Everyone has their own opinion on this topic, and honestly this number adjusts based on your who you are, what your page is about and who your fan-base consists of.
A sale post qualifies as a post that directly asks someone to buy, register or click a link that takes the reader to a page on your website or online store that is where a monetary transaction would happen. I don’t consider a post driving traffic to your blog on your website a sale post.
(In blogs, the sale should be included at the bottom and with minimal emphasis. Blogs are about giving, not receiving.)
When is the best time to post?
When your audience is online. There are tons of stats and methods you can read about to get this. I recommend “the logic method” to determine this initially.
For example, if your ideal audience is stay at home moms, from logic you can assume that moms are taking care of babies and getting kids off to school between 6:30 am and 9:00 am. They will probably straighten up the house from 9:00 am to 9:30ish, so they would mostly like be on social media sites between 9:30 am and 11:00 am or so. After that they will be cooking lunch, cleaning up and putting babies down for naptime. Back online most likely between 1:30 pm and 2:30 pm. The cycle repeats and they will be back to being mommy until after the baby and kids are in bed. Back online most likely between 8:30 pm and 10:00 pm. This is one scenario, run this for your ideal audience and start there.
Once you start posting at the times that seem logical, monitor what kind of responses you are getting i.e. Likes, Comments, Shares, Mentions, Retweets, Post on this cycle for at least 3 weeks. If you don’t seem to be getting any engagement, change up one of the times ONLY for a period of three weeks and see if it affects responses. Rinse and repeat as needed.
Where should I post?
Where your ideal audience frequents. Focus on the bigger social media sites when you start out.
You can use all social media platforms to get your brand message across, but I suggest you start with the one that would get you the most bang for your time, master that one and then add another to the mix.
I don’t recommend you post using the all for one method – this means don’t feed your tweets to your Facebook Page or vice versa. The best methods for posting on these social platforms are different and I recommend you give your audience the time and attention required for each one. If they see you are taking short cuts, they’ll wonder what shortcuts you would take on your products or services you provide them.
[Commercial Break: The EARLY Registration for the 2nd annual DFW Rocks Social Media Conference ends in just a few days – April 30th! Go visit the website NOW and learn how to #Rock your #SocialMedia]
Don’t worry – tomorrow’s post is going to dive deeper into the Social Media Plan with sharing ideas, concepts and strategies to get interactions on your posts and recommended tools for social media management.
If you missed the first post “5 Ways You Can Use Social Media to Get Rich” where I asked you questions that related to the WHY, WHAT and WHERE read it here.
The second post “Way #4 to Get Rich Using Social Media“ is here!
It’s your turn … What did you learn from this post?
What would you add? What questions would you like answers to in an upcoming post. Please COMMENT below.